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Drywall Screw Spacing and Pattern Guide

Screw drilled into drywall closeup

The Spruce / Margot Cavin

Hanging drywall correctly provides a solid foundation for the rest of your construction project, and proper drywall screw spacing is just as important. In general, drywall screws should be spaced a maximum of 16 inches apart on wall fields and 8 inches on wall edges. On ceilings, space the fasteners 12 inches apart on the fields and 7 to 8 inches apart on the edges. Keep the fasteners around 3/8 inches from the ends and edges of the drywall panels.


Edge: Any of the four outer edges of a sheet of drywall.

Taper: A gradual indent on the two long edges of the drywall

Field: The large central part of the drywall sheet; not an edge.

Lippage: A variation or protrusion between the panels.  

drywall screw spacing
The Spruce
Drywall Screw Spacing Guide
Section of Drywall Number / Distance
Total Screws (4x8 Sheet) 32
Wall Edge Spacing 8 inches
Wall Field Spacing  16 inches
Ceiling Edge Spacing 7 to 8 inches
Ceiling Field Spacing 12 inches

Number of Screws Per Sheet of Drywall

Use about 32 drywall screws per sheet of 4-foot by 8-foot drywall installed horizontally on a wall. This total is comprised of four screws on the five middle studs and six screws on each of the two sides.


Local building codes vary, so always check that your intended screw pattern is up to code before beginning work.

How to Calculate

The easy way to calculate how many drywall screws to buy is to buy one screw per square foot of drywall installed.

A more accurate way to calculate this (in case you are using half sheets or extra-large sheets) is to divide the wall square footage by 32 to arrive at the number of full sheets required. Then, multiply the number of sheets by 32 (the number of screws needed per sheet).


You are installing drywall in a bedroom that has 320 square feet of wall space. Dividing 320 by 32 produces 10. Thus, you will need to purchase 10 sheets of drywall to fit that space. Multiply those 10 sheets by 32 to arrive at 320, the number of drywall screws you must purchase for that room.

Screw Spacing for Drywall Wall Edges

Space the screws about 8 inches apart on the edges of drywall panels.

With drywall edges, the aim is to create a continuous seam so that you can effectively tape and mud the edge. In this case, continuous means reducing lippage between the panels. When one panel protrudes farther than its neighbor, the finishing process becomes difficult to do correctly when the panel joints are butted together

The solution is to tightly space screws along the edges, however, spacing screws too closely on the edges can cause the edges to crumble. Finishing with drywall compound can fix the occasional chipped or gouged edge.

Screw Spacing for Drywall Wall Fields

Space the screws about 16 inches apart in the field, or inner part, of drywall panels.

The field is considered a more stable area. Both the International Residential Code (IRC) and USG, the manufacturer of Sheetrock, note that the recommended maximum field screw spacing for wall drywall is 16 inches. Some builders like to space fasteners tighter than that, so they go down to 12 inches.

Screw Spacing for Drywall Ceiling Edges

Space the screws about 7 to 8 inches apart on the edges of drywall ceiling panels.

Horizontal (ceiling) placement creates far more stress on drywall and on drywall screws than vertical (wall) placement. The entire weight of the sheet is now carried by upside-down screws. 

Industry professionals often recommend 8-inch edge placement, which is the same as for wall edges. Others like to reduce that number to 7 inches.

Screw Spacing for Drywall Ceiling Fields

Space the screws about 12 inches apart on the field, or inner section, of drywall ceiling panels.

Both IRC and USG recommend that ceiling field spacing should be no greater than 12 inches apart. Drywall ceiling field spacing is closer than wall field spacing because of the weight-bearing that occurs from the drywall. Horizontal placement adds more stress on drywall and screws than vertical placement.

Screws spaced out on drywall ceiling

The Spruce / Margot Cavin

Best Drywall Screw Patterns

Screw distances, for the most part, determine the pattern.

  • Edge screws: For edge screws, you may wish to try to set up your distances so that screws on adjoining panels are staggered on a shared stud. This reduces the possibility of having two crumbled drywall edges in the same spot.
  • Field screws: Always make sure that screws are spaced equally down a line. Field screws do not benefit by being staggered. It is your choice as to whether you stagger them or keep them running even with each other. Some drywall installers and contractors believe staggered field screws help better distribute weight loads. Other pros think that lining up field screws in rows is structurally better because it mimics the effect of having a framing member in that position.

Using Adhesive When Installing Drywall

Construction adhesive can be used on studs and joists in conjunction with (but not as a replacement for) drywall screws. Running a bead of glue on the stud or joist before screwing on the panel exponentially increases the strength between the panels and framing members.

Generally, when using screws and glue, screws can be placed at twice the distance as with screws only. This is not recommended for do-it-yourselfers because, unless you are experienced with drywall, there is a high likelihood that you may need to readjust a sheet or even reinstall it. Once the glue is binding the panel to the joist or stud, it is impossible to remove without damaging the drywall, requiring total replacement.

  • Can you put too many screws in drywall?

    Yes, you can put too many screws in drywall. An overabundance of screws in drywall will result in more mudding, or applying joint compound to drywall. Follow the manufacturer's instructions when considering screw count during construction.

  • How many times should I coat drywall screws?

    You should coat drywall screws three times to ensure that they are no longer visible and the finish of your drywall is smooth.

  • How long do screws need to be to go through drywall into a stud?

    For a standard sheet of drywall, screws should be 1 1/4 inches in length, enough to penetrate through the drywall and stud.

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  1. How to Tape and Mud Drywall in 7 Simple Steps. Angi.

  2. What Size Drywall Screws Should I Use? Angi.